Delivery time
The delivery time for items within the EU is usually 2 to 7 working days from receipt of payment.
For orders from the USA, Asia, Africa, Australia or South America, the delivery time is up to 10 – 60 Days.
Shipping costs and information
The goods can be shipped within the EU as standard. Depending on the location of your order, the shipment can also be made abroad.
I. Shipping within Germany:
We ship free of charge within Germany.
II. Shipping within the EU:
For shipping within the EU, we charge 10 € shipping costs.
III. International shipping:
We also deliver (with reservation) to countries outside the EU: We charge a flat rate of 35 euros (approx. 40 $) for shipping outside the EU.
We focus on high quality goods at a fair price. That is why we have our products manufactured in different places around the world. Most of our products are manufactured in Germany by trusted suppliers.
Our sustainability work focuses on fairness and quality. We are committed to responsible purchasing practices that ensure that we are a fair business partner for our fellow human beings and our environment.